I agree that it is NOT ACCEPTABLE for me to:
1. Engage in sexual contact, conduct, or behavior or to possess sexual content;
2. Use, possess, or be under the influence of tobacco products, inhalants (including e-cigarettes and other vaporizers), alcohol, illegal or prescribed (to others) drugs;
3. Commit acts of theft, violence, or vandalism;
4. Enter the sleeping areas of the opposite gender (except for supervised group meetings);
5. Leave the group in twos, leave the established boundaries at any activity or areas designated for use;
6. Possess or use fireworks, firearms, or weapons of any sort, including pocketknives;
Additionally, I agree TO DO the following:
1. Respect and follow all schedules and curfews especially mealtimes, worship and work times;
2. Participate FULLY in all activities: work, fun & clean-up activities, striving to be a vital member of this Community;
3. Show respect and dignity to fellow youth, adults, and property of others;
4. Act in a manner that reflects positively upon this Youth Community and my church;
5. Conscientiously follow safety procedures set by this group, my church, my leaders and other organizers responsible for the safety of all volunteers.
I understand that to nurture an environment of community building and group bonding (a purposes of this church sponsored event), I agree that:
• *Cell phones should be used infrequently and youth leaders may request for cell phones to be put away in certain scenarios. Unending scrolling, constant texting, and watching of videos distracts from becoming an integral part of the community that is being nurtured.
• Phones and game players should be used in sleeping areas at night before bedtime and/or in the van. These are brought AT YOUR RISK. The church or other off-site representatives are not responsible for theft, loss or damage.
A violation of this covenant is a violation of the Community. The ultimate potential consequence of breaking the Covenant is that the violator may be required to leave the event, at his/her parents’ expense.
By submitting this form, I confirm that I have reviewed and discussed the above covenant with my youth(s) and they understand the community covenant that will be in place at ALL St. Margaret's youth events.
I also agree that if it becomes necessary for my youth to leave an event, I am responsible for arranging his/her return transportation immediately.